The Luping Stone mold is made of high-pressure engineering plastic polypropylene plastic injection molding. The product is anti-aging and wear-resistant and has a service life of about two years. The product can be recycled and reused. The Luping Stone mold product is mature and has been used for about 20 years. It is used to produce cement curb stones. The plastic mold has a smooth surface and beautiful appearance, and the product finish is unmatched by all other molds. The output of Luping stone mold parts and the stability of mold dimensions should be made of high-performance materials when mass-producing Luping stone molds, and the surface of the material should also be subjected to low vacuum surface strengthening treatment. Secondly, due to the complex shape of the mold, high precision requirements, and long manufacturing cycle, the large-scale production of the mold must use high-performance materials in the production process of the mold.